How I Lost My Stubborn Belly Fat 5-Second Nepalese Cold Water Method Eats Through 65 lbs of Chunky Fat

Nicole McQueen
3 min readNov 12, 2023


How I Lost My Stubborn Belly Fat 5-Second Nepalese Cold Water Method Eats Through 65 lbs of Chunky Fat

Down from 265 to 140! I’m 43 and 5'7. I believed I’d never be able to lose weight in a million years four years ago!

I had tried everything to lose weight, but it just wouldn’t come off after I had my second child.

I tried all the famous diets, such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, as well as some wacky fad diets from Doctor Oz.

However, something else worked! (Haven’t we all been there?)

It seemed so simple that ANYONE could do it until I discovered a pleasurable technique to lose weight that matched my busy lifestyle.

Ancient Himalayan Ice Water Hack Flushes Out 1.5 lbs Daily

MUST SEE: Ancient Himalayan Ice Water Hack Flushes Out 1.5 lbs Daily

Today, I’m back to my old self, wearing my old clothes and feeling good about myself. I’ll be 42 next year and still as enthusiastic as ever. The best part? Nobody would guess that I’m already a mother of two.

I would never be living my dream life right now. And I’d have continued to gain weight.

I hope it has the same effect on you that it had on me. Because what you’re about to read has changed my life.

If you’re a woman who has suffered from weight loss, you owe it to yourself to see this FREE presentation so you can finally have the solution you need to lose weight and take complete control of your life.

I’ve lost over 70 pounds using this way. AND KEEP ALL OF YOUR WEIGHT OFF! This single video will alter your entire perspective on weight reduction.

Do this tonight before you go to bed.

Last week, a peculiar 5-second “Himalayan ice hack” was discovered, quickly boosting your metabolism by 450% or more.

All you need is some ice and this mountain’s secret.


It’s more powerful than any diet or exercise plan on earth…
And so easy it’ll feel like you’re cheating at weight loss.

Do this before you go to bed tonight…

A bizarre 5-second “Himalayan ice hack” discovered last week

That instantly turbo-charges your metabolism by 450% or more.

MUST SEE: Ice + THIS = 2 lbs lighter by tomorrow

Wishing you health and happiness,😍😎🌿



Nicole McQueen
Nicole McQueen

Written by Nicole McQueen

Discover a fitter you with Nicole McQueen! 🌟 Expert weight loss tips and motivation for a healthier lifestyle. Join the journey! 💪

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